Tim and Rochelle Enloe have a calling and passion for people to understand and encounter the Holy Spirit.
Their ministry is characterized by straightforward teaching and opportunities for people to experience the Spirit through healthy prayer environments.
God has blessed their practical, non-mystical approach and has taken them to every state and over 50 nations in ministry.
Check out the links above if you would like more information about bringing Tim and Rochelle to your community.
God never intended for us to have an arms-length or mystical understanding of His Holy Spirit. In fact, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would simply “take what is mine and reveal it to you” (John 16:15). The Spirit’s ministry was never intended to be difficult or spooky.
This ministry exists to help believers understand, experience, and practice the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This enables them to be powerful witnesses (Acts 1:8) and become stronger in their faith in Christ (John 14,16).
Leading people to Christ is the primary emphasis, then helping them to understand and receive the Holy Spirit’s power.
If you would like more information on what Spirit Baptism is–and how to receive it, listen to this:
“Understanding and Receiving Spirit Baptism” by Tim Enloe
Check out our catalog of contemporary resources on the Holy Spirit and His ministry by clicking STORE on menu above.
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