About Tim & Rochelle Enloe…
Since 1993, Tim and Rochelle Enloe have traveled in full-time teaching ministry–with a special emphasis on the Holy Spirit. God has gifted them to present the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a simple, accessible manner. Their ministry consists of biblical, transparent teachings followed by powerful seasons of prayer and receiving from God. Many people experience forgiveness, physical healing, Spirit baptism and other supernatural encounters.
The Enloe’s have three adult sons and two daughters-in-law. Braedon serves as assistant pastor at a church in Ohio and his wife Olivia is a Christian counselor. Dolan & Isabel serve as pastors at a church in Texas; Dolan as youth pastor and Isabel as worship pastor. Barret is a student at a Christian University.
Rochelle was raised in an Assemblies of God pastor’s home. Her parents, Jonathan and Arlene Hollis, were long-term pastors in Wichita, KS. Rochelle was called into and involved in ministry since she was a child; she possesses a pastor’s heart perspective and a love for the local church as well as a unique gifting to communicate. She is a graduate of Central Bible College in Springfield, MO.
Tim was also raised in a ministry home; his parents, Neil and Ruth Enloe, were involved with the singing group The Couriers for nearly 60 years. Tim felt the Call of God to “teach about the Holy Spirit” when he was fourteen years old. He is a graduate of Central Bible College and is ordained with the Assemblies of God. Tim has written several books and is a frequent contributor to magazines and journals. Tim serves as the National Evangelists Representative and serves on the General Presbytery for the Assemblies of God USA.
Together, Tim and Rochelle minister in about 275 services per year.
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