Category Archives: Spirit Baptism

New DVD Teaching on Spirit Baptism

Our long awaited DVD teaching on Spirit Baptism is here! Perhaps the most thorough teaching on the subject that we have yet done. This resource  is designed with small groups in mind, but can also be watched in its entirety. … Continue reading

Posted in Books/Resources, Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism | 1 Comment

Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost?

Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost? I recently had a person ask me, “Are the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost two different beings? You get the Holy Spirit when you are saved, but you get the Holy Ghost when you … Continue reading

Posted in Pentecostal History, Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | 3 Comments

How Tongues Speaking Fits into the Big Picture

Here is an excerpt from our most recent article in the Enrichment Journal entitled, “A Thirty-Something Minister Looks at Initial Evidence.” To read the entire article, click here. _______________________________Did tongues speaking suddenly show up out of nowhere? Is the Book … Continue reading

Posted in Books/Resources, Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | Leave a comment

NEW Holy Spirit DVD Curriculum for KIDS!

A brand new DVD curriculum about Spirit Baptism for elementary-aged kids is now available from It is loosely based on our children’s book, “Kid Power!”, and contains six interactive 20-30 minute segments suitable for children’s ministry, small groups or … Continue reading

Posted in Books/Resources, Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | Leave a comment

Teaching Helps on Spirit Baptism as a Separate Event After Salvation

Here is the latest installment in our series of articles in the Enrichment Journal: This article deals with some practical teaching helps to frame Spirit Baptism as a post-conversion anointing experience. Please take in the EXCELLENT article by Dr. … Continue reading

Posted in Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | 2 Comments

The Anointing of Jesus and How It Applies to Us

This is an excerpt from our current article, “Jesus The Anointed One: Our Example for Supernatural Ministry,” in the series of practical Pneumatology articles featured in Enrichment Journal (Fall 2009-Summer 2010).—————–Did Jesus perform miraculous acts purely out of His raw … Continue reading

Posted in Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | Leave a comment

Yet another interview…

Interview with Steve Pike (Church Multiplication Network) about church planters/younger pastors and the Holy Spirit. Tim Enloe from Church Multiplication on Vimeo.

Posted in Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | Leave a comment


The last post generated a great question from Diane,  “What about the Baptism of Fire?” Is there a separate experience for believers known as the “Baptism of Fire” or does it speak of: 1.  the trials believers will inevitably face … Continue reading

Posted in Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism | 7 Comments


I frequently encounter a misunderstanding over the usage of the term “baptism”–both in scripture and modern theology. Bringing some biblical clarity to this fuzziness seems to often help people see the promise of Spirit baptism as an unclaimed blessing from … Continue reading

Posted in Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | 3 Comments

"Helping Others" book is now available

The new compilation book, “Helping Others Receive the Gift” is now available. This unprecedented resource features insights about ministering the Spirit Baptism in a variety of contexts and age groups. You can click here for more details and for ordering … Continue reading

Posted in Books/Resources, Speaking in Tongues/Glossolalia, Spirit Baptism, Spiritual Leadership | 2 Comments